An ambassador for Spotyride: Eric Gouzou
The spotyteam is proud to grow with the arrival of its first ambassador in the field of water sports and activities. Gouz will make us discover and share his passion for wakeboarding, but not only! If our sanitary situation allows it, nice surprises and sporting discoveries are on the program.
In the meantime, the Spotyteam invites you to discover Gouz Gouzou through an interview
Meet the first ambassador of Spotyride, nicknamed Gouz and passionate about wakeboarding.
- First question and not least, what is your favorite sport?
My favourite sport is wakeboarding, I have been practicing it for years and I love the water-sports sensations it provides.
Picture credit : Instagram/Facebook @lilartprod
- Do you practice other sports and activities?
Yes, next to wakeboarding, I also practice running and recently sophrology. For those who do not know, it is "a training of the body and the mind to develop serenity and well-being, based on techniques of relaxation and activation of the body and the mind".
- What did you like about the Spotyride project?
I support the idea of grouping everyone on the same platform and showing all the spots without giving any advantage to others. The big cables but also the small ones. Practitioners can finally find in one click the spot they are looking for in Europe but also abroad, and this is a nice idea.
- What are your favorite spots in France?
In France, I love riding on my home spot, EXO 84. I also love the cableparks of TNG and TND.
EXO 84 (Bollène) is a spot that I really appreciate! I was there from the beginning of its creation. The day the cable was installed and since then I’ve seen the spot evolve. Today, the bosses have become friends and the friendly atmosphere of the spot makes you feel at home. The setup is accessible to everyone, no matter their level.
Téléski Nautique du Gers (TNG) is the spot where I made my first competition, the wake and country, so it has an important place in my heart too. As soon as you get to the spot, you’re in the right mood for fun. The director of the spot is very involved and will be there for you and give you advice.
is the spot where I did my first competition: wake and country. It is an international event organized by Unleashed Wake Magazine and my friend pot Phil Good.
For watersports enthousiast a flashback in image with our internationals (GERMANY, USA, UK, Israel, ...) Wake and Country 2012 in video..
For me, this event and therefore the spot took an important place in my heart too. Since the Wake and Country, the spot has been taken over by Jerome who is very involved and will be there for you and give you advice. As soon as you arrive on the spot, you are in the right mood to ride, chill, have a good time with friends. The setup is also accessible to all with large boxes, pipes, .... Only problem, it’s a big cable so when you fall at the other end, you have to swim and walk a little bit.
Téléski Nautique de Damazan (TND) is a pleasant spot for all, there is 1 meter of water everywhere so as soon as you fall, it is appreciable. Even people who do not know how to swim will be able to try it. Moreover it is the cheapest spot in France, so the small scholarships will appreciate. Finally, homemade modules are accessible to all and unique. A little extra that distinguishes it from other spots!
On these spots, beginners will be able to learn safely. The modules are accessible to everyone and everyone will find what it takes to have fun, initiate or improve.
And abroad, what are your favorite spots?
I love Thaï Wake Park, located in Thailand as the name suggests. It is the favorite spot for all riders who want to have fun in the winter.
The water is warm, the temperature is perfect, when we fall on the other side of the park, a car comes to pick us up. In this country of smiles, and more precisely on this spot, we have the chance to see all the European riders. You can certainly meet Daniel Grant (to be rediscovered on Unleashed Wake Mag).
The spot offers accommodation on site (places are rare, a tip book before!), the restaurant is the winning combo! From the spot you are only 30 minutes from Bangkok by taxi!
Little advice, from December to April is the perfect season!
- What destination would you like to discover in the near future?
I would like to discover Mexico and Valdosta, a city in Georgia, in United States.
In Mexico, Mayan Water complex which hosted the World Championships stage and which made me want to discover these modules!
And Space mob is for me the new cradle of the wake. They have a new vision and offer incredible new modules that I really want to try!
- For all those who would like to embark on nautical activities, what would be your advice?
The first and most important advice to me is to have patience. We must take our time and above all not hesitate and not be afraid to ask for advice.

- What are the next sporting events you will participate in ?
When the current health crisis is under control and if it is possible, I will participate in Festival International des Sports Extrem (FISE) and also Plastic Playground organised by Liquid Leisure in England
- How are you living through this period of covid? Did you have to rethink the way you train because of the crisis and health rules?
Indeed, during this period of confinement everything was very hard and I think it is the same for everyone. Personally, I did my sport at home being a fan of cross fit and also body weight so everything at home suited me very well. So I was doing some muscle building and stretching homemade sessions.
- To give you the final word, can you tell us where we can meet you in the next few days?
Picture credit: Instagram/Facebook @lilartprod
Want to know more about Gouz or have these tips and reviews, do not hesitate to contact us by MP - Gouz will be happy to answer you in person or simply via the blog of Spotyride.
We look forward to sharing with you the experiences and new spots in France, Europe and hope soon on other continents!
If you want to be informed in real time about the latest news from your favorite spots, download our Spotyride app. You can also enjoy in the online booking for your next wakeboard sessions, water skiing, surfing...
Once again, welcome Gouz to your new role as ambassador!