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Lakeside Paradise


Lakeside Paradise est ouvert au public dans le respect des règles sanitaires!


Lakeside Paradise presents:

The Rookie Cable

Last winter, Lakeside Paradise built a new cable on the lake Duinenwater in Knokke-Heist. This means that there are now 3 cables available for wakeboarding. The 2.0 beginner track (120), the new Rookie Cable (520m), which is right-turning, and the existing Pro Cable (720m), which is left-turning. This makes Lakeside Paradise the third cable park in Europe to have a left and a right turning cable park. In addition to the pros who can now also practice riding on the right, the main focus is on young children, families and less experienced wakeboarders to give them their money's worth. 

After all, the Rookie Cable will turn at a lower speed than the Pro Cable every day while the Unit obstacles are also fit for a first acquaintance. 2 Medium kickers, an Andy Kolb Uprail, Maxim Giry Funbox, medium rooftop, and a rainbow, of which there are only 3 produced in the world at the moment. The new course has a diamond shape with 2 long straight runs, is and runs along 5 masts. On other hours the Rookie cable will run at normal speed.

Lakeside Paradise provides also an 80 bed Sporthostel, camping at 2 km, a pro shop , a restaurant with a huge terrace, outside Tiki bar, BBQ hut, beach area with hammocks and Jacuzzi. Easy to reach: Highway at 4km, secured parking in front, 10 km from the dutch, 60 km from the French border, 30 km from Ostend airport and 100km from Brussels airport. Busstation on location, train and trolley station at 500 m, city center and shops at 1km. Beach and northsea at 1km.

Knokke-Heist is a coastal city that provides all your needs for a great Wakeboarding session.

Lakeside Paradise use Wake & Ski Cable
Type d'activités

WakeboardWakeskateSki nautique


9 Kickers

4 Box

8 Rail


1 Bi poulies

1 Goofy

1 Regular


  • Accès Handicapés
  • Parking (gratuit ou payant)
  • 4G ou WIFI
  • Douches
  • Vestiaire
  • Location equipements
  • Coaching
  • Ecole
  • Association
  • Shop
  • Restaurant - Snack
  • Hotel
  • Multilingue
  • Zone de baignade



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Du 01/07/2020 Au 31/10/2020


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